However, another great addition is the inclusion of Corleone hit squads which can help you out when you’re in a tight spot. The Don’s Edition of this game adds a lot of neat features, primarily the graphic upgrades and dynamic weather system. It can take a bit to get used to the setting and consequences if you are new to the series, but it is a cohesive, well executed story that fits perfectly in-universe. There are several unrelated events and sidequests that completely subvert the sequence of the movies, but it still respects that timeline above all else. Playing as the newest addition to the Corleone family, your main objective is to follow orders, keep enemies of the family in line, and conquer New York City. I’d love to say this isn’t a bad thing, but it definitely hampered and limited which routes could be taken by the writers and developers. It would have been impossible to produce this game without involving the main story from the movies. The story, on the other hand, is likely to have dedicated fans of the films a bit up in arms. The Godfather approached this incredibly well – it is basically a sandbox game that lets you do whatever you want before going mission to mission with little repercussion and I’ll get into the core gameplay aspects later.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it worked against the developers, but there’s a certain level of professionalism that then becomes expected from players, and rightly so.

I think one of the aspects that actually turned out to be a challenge for this title is that it is a video game based on a critically acclaimed film.